Real Estate Agents
Good or Bad?
Most people, including myself, are not very trusting of Real Estate agents. Why? Probably because they are sales persons that work on commission. But that is the system, and it really is the best system. If they don't accomplish the money. The problem with this is that we all know it leaves a big area of distrust because you know their motive, you just don't know how far they will go to achieve it. This is why I said I only deal with a licensed Realtor. That is a very specific category that you must check to be sure "your agent" fits in. It's like making sure you have a surgeon instead of a grocery butcher operate on you. A licensed Realtor has an Ethical standard that they must maintain to keep that license and without that license, their income is in jeopardy. Being educated is just part of preparation for the smart home buyer.
There are also 2 main kinds of Agents.
1) Seller's Agent - represents the Seller. Paid by Seller
2) Buyer's Agent - represents the Buyer. Paid by Seller. Yes paid by Seller normally, but check with Agent before signing to be sure. Also make sure you understand Agent's charge in FSBO situations. (For Sale By Owner)
There is a 3rd "function", that is when an Agent functions as a Dual Agent, meaning representing both parties... Seller/Buyer. You must be legally informed if the agent is functioning in this Dual Agent role, and definitely have your ears tuned to those words, because it is important.
Listing Agent is the Seller's Agent. This may seem like a common sense statement, but many may not know. So if you call the Listing Agent, ask to see the house, then deal only with this agent, you are dealing with the Seller's agent and are not likely getting your best representation. We may be a dying breed in that we don't believe in cheating a home owner, but by the same account I don't want to get taken either. A fair deal is what you are after.