Monday, September 25

Moving In To The New Home

Back & Forth - Cars & Trucks
Electricity is on, water is on, the house is yours so it's time to move in. We scheduled the big part of our move for Saturday the 23rd when we could get help from my daughter and her husband. We reserved a rental truck from the place where we had a storage room rented for the past year. During the time between closing the house and getting the truck, we were using our Subaru Forester to move things. My husband would make several trips a day getting a variety of things. He got all of his office things and managed to get it functional so that he was able to get back to work Monday am. The one thing that was really working to our advantage was the drop in gas prices at this time when we are going back and forth. The distance is not but a couple of miles, but every little bit helps.


Cleaning & Other Fun Stuff
When you purchase a foreclosure, taking possession of the house and moving in can be a different experience than buying a new home. We are very lucky in that the house that we have purchased is in exceptionally good condition for a foreclosure. Many foreclosures are real disasters that require major work before they are fit to live in. While we were prepared to do some work on a home, our knowledge was limited. This house allowed us to increase our purchase price some since it didn't need any immediate work done to it.

With all foreclosures you probably will find that the house does not meet your idea of a clean house. This was especially true in our case. The bathrooms in particular reminded me of some of the worse old gas stations I have ever seen in my life. I know that the real estate agency that was selling the property had cleaned the house, but as with many professional cleaning services, they clean at things instead of really cleaning it. (If you know what I mean) Luckily for me, my youngest daughter volunteered to clean the bathrooms for me. She even did the guest bathroom one day and then returned the next day for more punishment by doing the master bath, which was worse. Go figure! She's some kid. There were some really nasty people who were living in here.

The kitchen isn't much better. There are grease splatters and cooking buildup all over the cabinets that obviously hadn't been cleaned in quite awhile. The inside of the cabinets had two layers of shelf liners that had to be pealed off and the interior of the cabinets are in need of repainting but I am not up to that right now. There were bugs of such a variety that we set off bug bombs in the whole house the weekend before we closed and that has greatly helped. There was brillo pads stuffed in various holes in the cabinets and other places, so I assume that previous owners were attempting to deal with mice. We'll see when the weather gets cooler.


A Pile of Paperwork to Sign
Our closing appointment was scheduled for 2pm and we were there by 1:45. The lawyer and then our agent showed up, but there was no representive for the Seller. The lawyer explained that all the paperwork would be faxed to them and then he would take it to the Courthouse to file it with the county. There was a stack of paperwork approximately 8-10 inches high sitting in front of the lawyer when we started. Now of course there were multiple copies of most things which we had to sign so that everyone got an original copy. It was after 4pm when I looked at the clock in the car on the way home.

We stopped by the town house to grab a few things and then headed to the house. I think there were two trips made that we made grabbing things and bringing them to the house, including our 2 cats in the last trip. Of course we are staying at the house, sleeping on an areobed. The frig and stove will be delivered tomorrow so one of us has to be here.