Friday, August 18

Termite Tunnel "Super Highway"

Termites...bad...but not uncommon
Ever seen a termite tunnel before? Well, if you would be the one that could be paying for the buffet damage, you really should know your enemy. If you ever saw a termite swarm I guarentee you won't forget it. I saw one last year in a trailer I was renting. (Yes I said a trailer) It looked like it was snowing! Only trouble was that it was August.

What you are looking at in these photos is the underside of the front porch of the house. Now if you live in North Carolina, or about anywhere in the South, and you really want to invite some termites to gobble up your home, the photo above left is a perfect demonstration. Install a simple WOOD HIGHWAY and they WILL come. An ad running on TV now for some doors & windows says they can eat "1000 lbs of wood a yr." That should easily open up your floor plan a good bit.

To see the rest of the photos taken during the Home Inspection check out the Rosewood Valley Photo Album.
(All photos are protected by US copyright law)

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