Testing The Heater
Low Forecast to Dip Into 30s F
You know how occassionally you catch someone doing what they have basically told you not to do? Then you get the old line "Well you should do as I say....not as I do." This is one of those occassions. Always check out your heaters functioning BEFORE that first cold snap is forecast by every weather guy on the news. That way if anything is not functioning correctly, you may have time for repairs before you spend a cold night or two.
Again a higher power is taking care of us, because with just a couple of minutes for me to figure out that the gas was cut off going into the heater, I heard our gas pack fire up and then heat was flowing through the ducts of the house just minutes before darkness fell Friday evening. The low temperatures at night have been between 34-38 F all weekend and it has been a constant 70 F inside. It's been a very long time since I used propane gas to heat with, so I have no idea how long that large tank of gas in the yard will last but we will find out. (Have no idea how much it cost to fill it either)
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